Friday, August 12, 2011

Michael McDowell's original Beetlejuice Screenplay?

I've read that it is much darker and more sinister than the version that made it to theaters. I am really interested in reading it, is there any place on the web where I can read/download it?

Why do many Christians (e.g. Josh McDowell) claim that ONLY Christianity teaches the primacy of FAITH as the..?

Jesus was very specific in saying that in order to go to heaven we need to believe in Him and Him only. There is NO OTHER PATH! He said I am the Way the Truth and the Light NO ONE comes to the Father except through Me. These are the words of Christ. If you truly believe that He is your messiah and the ONLY begotten Son of God, then you should accept His words at face value- NO ONE goes to the Father except THROUGH Me. This is pivotal. We must believe in Christ to see God. Period.

What sholud be my sixth pokemon on leaf green?

Gengar- Shadow Ball, Psychic, Shadow Punch, Thunderbolt/Hyperbeam. For beating ghost, psychic, water, flying, fighting.

Do you think my grandma is embarrassing?

shes old so things are different for her and 4.80 for a pretzel is a lot. Older people do tend to be racist and most of the time they don't mean to be they were raised in a totally different era where is was a common thing(not that is was right). She may have overreacted a bit with the house but good lord she was worried about you. And to end all family is embarrassing

Did yahoo send out a service announcement email today?

I received the same email and had the same question. I couldn't find anything on Yahoo announcing the upgrade but the link to upgrade does point to a Yahoo site page so it appears to be completely legit and there is no risk of upgrading other than bugs in the first release. I upgraded just far so good. The new look is nice and clean.

Besides teaching what can I do with a Bachelor's Degree of Science- Interdisciplinary Studies (4-8 Science)?

I have search all over San Antonio and the only thing i can find are 3 Science teaching jobs plus substituting which i want something a little more reliable. Any suggests would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Men: Would you ideally and genuinally ''fall'' in love with a woman like Andy McDowell in Four Weddings and?

a Funeral? You know in that scene where she is recounting her 32 lovers. Would that put you off a woman or would you like Hugh Grant fall madly in love with a woman like that?